Day 6/16 Days of Activism on ending Violence Against Women

The health consequences of violence against women can be physical, mental, behavioral and Sexual and Reproductive. Today let us explore the mental consequences of violence against women.

According to WHO women who face violence are at a greater risk of adverse mental health outcomes and they may present with depression, suicide attempts, post-traumatic stress disorder, other stress and anxiety disorders, sleeping or eating disorders among others. The more severe the abuse, the greater its impact on women’s physical and mental health. In addition, the negative health consequences can persist long after abuse has stopped. Women who report a history of early sexual abuse often report feelings of worthlessness

Call to Action to Governments

Expand services to address issues of GBV and Mental Health to lower health facilities where survivors can access them easily

Call to action to health care providers:

Support survivors of violence to deal with their emotions in healthy ways, build their self- esteem and help them develop coping skills.

Call to Action to Women

Amplify your Voice, Orange the World. There is no shame in seeking health care and justice if you have faced violence. Guard your health, go to the nearest health facility for services. Join us at #WLHIVSPEAKOUT; Join the Global Campaign (Orange the World, #HearMeToo)


Margaret Happy, Advocacy Manager,

Facebook: ICW Eastern Africa, Twitter: @ICWEastAFrica

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