Filename Women-statement-Community-recommendation-inter-district-eMTCT-learning.pdf
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Version 1
Date added December 13, 2015
Downloaded 1577 times
Category Position Paper

We appreciate the efforts of all partners in working to end mother to child transmission of HIV. We are committed to working tirelessly in the fight to end AIDS in Uganda and we commend Uganda for development of the largest Option B+ program in the world.
Despite important progress, there are serious and persistent program weaknesses that are not receiving the focus, attention and funding that is required. As a result unintended transmissions are occurring and women with HIV are falling sick because their disease is progressing without effective HIV treatment.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nancy Imali

    Good day!
    I hope this email finds you well. My name is Nancy, a radio journalist working with a community/learning radio station in Kakamega, Western Kenya and I run a weekly radio programme on HIV and AIDS in conjuction with the AIDS CONTROL UNIT at my place of work; 103.9 MMUST FM.

    I have read widely about your activities, and I am most interested to further know what you do, other activities that you undertake here in Kenya, and if there’s a way that your organization can incorporate radio journalists in your team to help spread your agenda. Especially those that produce programs in tandem with your agenda.

    May I ask, do you have a network of journalists across the region that are able to help with your agenda? My interest lies with the possibility that I might be able to generate news stories from activities you undertake or positive broadcast programs to our listener-ship and much more.

    Awaiting a positive response from you.

    Kind Regards,
    Nancy Imali
    +254 725453916

    1. icwea

      Dear Nancy,

      It is great to hear from you and we would definately like to work with you. Let us continue the conversation on email.

      Thank you.

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