Date(s) - 01/03/2020
10:15 am - 4:00 pm
On 1st March 2020, ICWEA celebrated the International Day of HIV Zero Discrimination Campaign held in Bwaise, a Kampala suburb organized by Uganda Network on Law Ethics and HIV/AIDS (UGANET).
Zero Discrimination Day is observed each year on March 1 with the aim of highlighting issues related to all forms of discrimination around the world.
This year’s celebrations were marked under the them “Zero Discrimination against Women and Girls”.
Mr. Musoba Nelson, the Director General Uganda AIDS commission appealed to everyone in the Kimombasa community to learn how to to treat people living with HIV the same way as those who are negative, saying that these people can as well become important people in the society like others.

“We have HIV people who are doctors, lawyers, members of Parliament, Generals in the military. So we should not discriminate against anybody because of their HIV status,” he said.
“We know how HIV is transmitted and those who are negative can prevent themselves from becoming positive. Those who are positive you know that if you take your medication, you will live a productive life just like those who are negative,” he added.
He also revealed that as the Commission, they are in advanced stages of introducing an injection which will enable one not to take tablets every day.
UGANET Executive Director Ms. Dorah Kiconco Musinguzi strongly condemned the discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS, tasking the government and all relevant organizations to fight against it with the strongest means.
“For us who work in HIV response, we are here today in Uganda to have a conversation in this community to add to that cause that there should be no discrimination,” she said.

Quoting the national constitution article 21, Ms Dorah said that all Ugandans are entitled to equal rights regardless of their status.
She said that several women face domestic violence which she says is one way of discrimination and that this increases their chances of getting HIV.
Ms. Dorah revealed that several HIV victims in the country have been denied job opportunities due to their status.
“You hear these export companies taking people to go work abroad, Director-General sir (AIDS Commission), if you presented a paper that you are HIV positive, you will not be allowed to go and work,” she deeply expressed her concern.