Day 8/16 Days of Activism on ending Violence Against Women 

Economic Violence means acts of control and monitoring of behavior of an individual in terms of use and distribution of money and resources, and the constant threat of denying them economic resources.

Many women face economic violence which manifests through limited access to funds and credit, exclusion from financial decision making by families and partners, discriminatory traditional laws on inheritance, property rights and the use of communal land.

Economic leads to deep poverty among women and denies them other developmental opportunities such as the right to an education and good health. This may in turn lead to physical violence, sexual exploitation and the risk of contracting HIV infection, and trafficking of women and girls as is seen today.

Call to Action on governments:

Introduce interventions that promote equity between women and men, provide economic opportunities for women especially those that target vulnerable women, inform them of their rights


Call to Action on Communities/cultural leaders

Change societal beliefs and attitudes that permit exploitative behavior


Call to action on Women

Amplify your Voice, Orange the World, speak out on your experience, seek justice if your property is at risk. Join us at #WLHIVSPEAKOUT; Join the Global Campaign (Orange the World, #HearMeToo)



Margaret Happy, Advocacy Manager,

Facebook: ICW Eastern Africa, Twitter: @ICWEastAFrica
